Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I was once in a car with a friend's cousin, K. We were on the way to her family's vacation house in Batangas. On the way to the toll gate, I was furiously counting my change to make sure I give the toll person the right amount. K unceremoniously told me to just lump them all together and give it to the toll person. Anyway, she wouldn't count - or if she did, we could just speed away. It never even occurred to me that I didn't have to give the exact amount of money. Anyway, unthinkingly I did as she suggested. She went to the fancy school in Ortigas, but later on went to take up law in UP. I hope her years in the state u have given her some perspective. She's a lawyer now. That said, congratulations to the newbies.

1 comment:

the amateur ear said...

Ay, so many tales of impunity.


Last night I attended our batch testimonial and there was Chancellor Cao and the Dean repeating the UP Mantra: Our education was--is--subsidized by the State.

Some lawyers remember, some lawyers don't.