Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Through the Ampalaya Vine

Last Monday the French embassy awarded "treasonous" lolo, former UP President Dodong Nemenzo, a medal of merit. I don't know the particulars of his award since I wasn't invited to the ceremony. My senior colleagues however were able to partake of excellent French cheese and wine at the event held in the ambassador's residence Monday evening. Dodong, recently charged by the government for rebellion, reportedly thanked the French government for appreciating him when his own government didn't. Those Frenchies sure are cheeky. Good luck to presidential front-runner Ségolène Royal of the Parti Socialiste. Should she win, France embraces its first female head of state.


In other chismis, I had been hearing of UP's planned tuition hike for months. UP's undergrad tuition has been pegged at P300 since when I was freshie in 1997. Nine years ago! I think its about time UP makes some adjustments for inflation among other things. Besides I bet at least 50% of the student population can easily afford to pay 18,000++ per semester. And for chrissakes, give them struggling professor's a fighting chance. A favorite mentor of mine who has slaved all her life for the university is a Professor 12 (the highest level). She once said she took home P30,000 a month when her colleagues in Hong Kong made ten times more. Now what kind of pay is that? Randy David, himself a professor at the Sociology Department, makes clear his opinion on the matter.


Now Day 5 of Watergate. Thanks a lot Maynilad. You gave us six months of clear water after a year and a half of little to no water. And now back to no water. So much for corporate responsibility. Lucky the customers of Manila Water. Hah, who decides which zone goes to whom???

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